Trivia Bowl
Put on your thinking caps and join us for an evening of fun trivia and prizes to benefit ChildSafe!
Friday, February 22, 2019
Registration begins at 6:30 PM
Agave Room above the Rio Grande Mexican Restaurant
143 W. Mountain Avenue, Fort Collins
Beer hosted by High Country Beverage
Appetizers and one drink included
Cash bar
Heads or Tails
Are you not able to make it to the Bash this year, and would still like to support ChildSafe?
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Trivia Bowl 2019 Registration
New for 2019: Tables will be set in seats of eight. If your team has fewer than eight members you will share a table with another team. All teams will be assigned tables at check-in.
Annual Title Sponsor
Annual Supporting Sponsor
Are you not able to make it to the Trivia Bowl this year, and would still like to support ChildSafe? Donations may be made by clicking here.
Magna Cum Laude Event Sponsor
Dean’s List Event Sponsor
Honor Roll Event Sponsor