Providing Therapy For Victims of childhood abuse, primarily Sexual Abuse


Therapy for victims of child abuse, child sexual abuse, and trauma

When survivors of child abuse walk through our doors, it is the beginning of a difficult journey to healing. While child abuse affects every victim differently, most feel confused, guilty, and afraid. ChildSafe is one place where survivors and their families can feel safe, comfortable, and supported. Through expert counseling and compassion, we help them to not only survive, but also thrive as they work their way through their journey to healing and reach a point of recovery that will last.

We at ChildSafe are proud that we can provide treatment for all those who need our services. We are committed to providing safe, responsive treatment, education, and recovery from childhood abuse, primarily sexual abuse, without prejudice or discrimination while respecting the personal dignity and worth of each individual.

Thank YOU TO Our Generous SponsorS

We would like to whole-heartedly thank the following foundations and corporations who support the ChildSafe mission to help repair the damage to victims and their families and prevent the cycle from carrying over into future generations.

Proud recipients of

Woodward Charitable Trust


Human Services Grant Program

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